

(eTOC) The October issue of Asia Pacific Allergy (Vol. 9)

관리자 hit 572 date 2019-11-01
APallergy eToC
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Table of Contents Alert
Volume 9(4); October 2019
New ERS cough guidelines: A clinical framework for refining the patient management strategy
Song WJ, Millqvist E, Morice AH.
Current Review
Metabolomics strategies to discover new biomarkers associated to severe allergic phenotypes
Barber D, Villaseñor A, Escribese MM.
Original Articles
Continued loss of asthma control following epidemic thunderstorm asthma
Foo CT, Yee EL, Young A, Denton E, Hew M, O'Hehir RE, Radhakrishna N, Matthews S, Conron M, Harun NS, Lachapelle P, Douglass JA, Irving L, Lee J, Stevenson W, McDonald CF, Langton D, Banks C, Thien F.
The risk of preschool asthma at 2–4 years is not associated with leukocyte telomere length at birth or at 1 year of age
Suh DI, Kang MJ, Park YM, Lee JK, Lee SY, Sheen YH, Kim KW, Ahn K, Hong SJ.
Cough related to swallowing in asthma patients
Kamimura M, Mouri A, Takayama K, Mizutani T, Hamamoto Y, Iikura M, Furihata K.
Respiratory syncytial virus increases eosinophil extracellular traps in a murine model of asthma
Silveira JS, Antunes GL, Gassen RB, Breda RV, Stein RT, Pitrez PM, da Cunha AA.
Hypothesis & Experience
IgE-mediated allergy to proton pump inhibitors with both delayed and immediate onset
Barakat L, Vasconcelos MJ, Bourrain JL, Demoly P, Chiriac AM.
Educational & Teaching Material
Chlorhexidine: a hidden life-threatening allergen
Fernandes M, Lourenço T, Lopes A, Spínola Santos A, Pereira Santos MC, Pereira Barbosa M.
Case Report
Goat's milk anaphylaxis in a cow's milk tolerant child
Goh SH, Chong KW, Loh W, Goh AE